Cleaning Glass Shower Doors: A Guide to Eliminating Hard Water Stains and Soap Scum Skip to Main Content
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Cleaning Glass Shower Doors: A Guide to Eliminating Hard Water Stains and Soap Scum

Cleaning Glass Shower Doors

If you've ever had a new glass shower door installed, you know that the gleaming, unblemished look doesn't last as long as you'd want, even if you're diligent about keeping the shower units clean with antibacterial wipes and the like.

Hard water has a high concentration of minerals that have not been completely dissolved. These minerals are present because groundwater absorbs calcium, chalk, lime, and magnesium on its path to the water supply. Moreover, you tend to get soap scum, which is a combination of oils and minerals in hard water.

Cleaning Glass Shower Doors

The following are some easy ways to keep your glass shower doors clean:

1. Use Ammonia

The bathroom door should be left open while using ammonia for cleaning. Open any windows you have, and turn on the fan. Rubber gloves are a must to avoid getting ammonia on your hands. Moreover, another precaution you must take is never to combine ammonia and bleach to avoid potentially fatal vapors.

  • Mix three parts of water with one part ammonia in a spray bottle to remove thick soap scum from the shower.
  • Spray the scum off the glass, and then clean it with a brush while it's still wet.
  • Don't just wipe it down; give it a full rinse and towel dry.

When you don't have a thick coating of built-up soap scum on your shower glass, you can get a streak-free shine by mixing two quarts of distilled water with two tablespoons of ammonia. To avoid discoloration from hard water, use distilled water. Use a spray bottle to apply the solution to the glass, and then wait for at least five minutes for it to work. Use a dry microfiber cloth to wipe everything down.

2. Go for Vinegar

Vinegar is an eco-friendly product. In most cases, distilled white vinegar is the answer to hard water or soap scum.

  • Heat two cups of white distilled vinegar for 30 seconds in the microwave.
  • Use the vinegar by soaking a microfiber towel in it.
  • You should use it to wipe down the entire shower glass door. Give it five minutes to soak.
  • As it disintegrates, the filth will become more obvious. Scrub the shower door again with a wet rag to remove any residue.
  • Use the water for rinsing.
  • Let it completely dry out.

3. Utilize Baking Soda

You can also clean your shower door using baking soda, which is safe, effective, and environmentally friendly. You can even have some stashed away for future use.

  • Make a paste by combining half a cup of water with a few spoonfuls of water in a basin. If the consistency of the paste is too thick, add more water.
  • Rub this paste onto the shower door with a gentle cloth. If the paste runs out, simply produce more. You should hold off for 20 minutes.
  • Get rid of the baking soda by rinsing it with distilled white vinegar.
  • Put the vinegar in a spray bottle or on a towel.
  • Use the water for rinsing.

4. Put Lemons to Use

Instead of using vinegar, try a fragrant mixture of three lemons worth of juice and a cup of distilled water in a spray bottle.

  • Spray the glass with the cleaner and wait five minutes.
  • Wipe it down with a clean microfiber towel to get rid of any watermarks or fingerprints. Make sure you use a clean cloth to dry the glass completely.

To clean your shower, you can also use lemon juice by dipping half a lemon in baking soda.

  • Scrub the glass with the lemon peel.
  • Use distilled water to wash and dry the area.
  • Apply a thin layer of lemon oil to the inside of the glass. It will prevent soap scum from accumulating.

How to Ensure Your Glass Shower Door Stays Spotless

Use a microfiber towel and the best water stain remover to wipe surfaces after a bath, shower, or even just washing your hands.

· Purchase a Water Softener for Your House

A water softener helps filter out stain-causing impurities, keep clothes cleaner, and improve the lather in your personal care products. A hard water spot removal solution is necessary because the problem would persist without one.

· Seal the Surface

Use a biodegradable cleaner twice or thrice a year to keep your property in pristine condition. Showers and bathtubs will be protected against hard water stains and potential discoloration because of the seal it creates.  Shower door experts in Austin can help you conclude the task.  

Final Word

Squirt your favorite cleaner into the bowl and swish it around with the brush to keep your glass doors spotless. The exterior of your toilet should be sprayed with a disinfecting surface cleaner to get rid of the germs. Contact a professional for framed glass mirrors in Austin.

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